FreshKon Daily review

18:44 Hanna Tantoco 0 Comments Category : , , ,

I have accepted that I don’t have perfect eyesight when I was in university – read, the operative word is “accepted” but I was actually in denial for the longest time.  I should have known that was my fate since my mom wore spectacles for as long as she can remember and my brother too when he started working. I always sat in front of the class all throughout high school so I guess when I stepped into university and I had to sit at the back I realised I couldn’t read anything on the board. So, I went to the optometrist and had my eyes checked and at that time my power was around 50/75 on my left and right eye respectively. Needless to say, I only wore my spectacles when I sat at the back of the class.
After university when I started driving. I had a hard time seeing at night or when it was raining. I had to squint for a long time. So there, spectacles have been increasingly part of my life. Fast forward to the present, I either wear my contact lens or spectacles on a daily basis because my power is 150 on both sides with astigmatism. If you’re asking me, why I didn’t wear my contact lens earlier on here are my concerns:

  1. My mom wears monthly contacts and she told me that wearing contact lens would scratch the cornea. And as gross as it reads, I didn’t want that to happen to my eyes.
  2.  I felt that since my power was low enough, I would outgrow it. Yes, I believed in this myth. And no, I was of course super wrong. As I aged, my power actually increased. 
  3. The idea of attaching something on my eye seems very alien and unnatural to me. Putting on the contact lens is fine, but removing it is the bummer.
  4.  It feels very uncomfortable and I would have cloudy vision (which was apparently protein build-up due to lack of oxygen) so in effect it made my vision worse
  5.  I don’t have the patience to have an optical routine. When I sleep at night, I shower, clean my face and remove my spectacles I don’t want to add another step of cleaning my contact lens and storing them.

      But this was me over two years ago, I’ve been regularly wearing dailies now after losing and breaking 20 optical frames for the span of a decade. And most importantly the advances in contact lens technology makes it more convenient for me especially with my lifestyle. With 1-day lenses, I could throw them away after a day and I can even choose to wear different colours to suit my lifestyle. Believe me, I’ve tried a lot of contact lens in my life to find the most comfortable one – from US, Japan and Taiwan.

      FreshKon is a homegrown Singapore brand. The FreshKon Daily is designed for superb vision, extended wearing comfort and convenience. I am very fortunate to get a 3-month daily stash of their contact lens. Take note, that I personally wear FreshKon Daily even before this sponsorship.

  •      The FreshKon Daily contains 30 1-day soft gel contact lens. I consciously just wear my contacts for 15 hours max.
  •       The contact lens is made up of 58% water content making it breathable. Oxygen needs to circulate in the eyes or else protein will build up.
  •       Each contact lens has Hyaluronic Acid (HA) which functions as ocular lubricant, making it moist. It is good for people like me who is prone to having dry eyes.
  •       Most importantly the contacts embedded with UV blocking. The sun can be damaging not only to our skin, but also to our eyes! According to the description it Blocks 80% of UVA and 95% of UVB)Protect eyes from harmful UV rays.

For more information click here

      Everyone may have a different experience with each of the products since we’re all wired differently. But some tips here:

1.      Get your eyes checked regularly. Every 6 months would be ideal.
2.      Changing contact lens brands needs some breaking-in period as well. Imagine wearing a new pair of shoes. I personally give contact lens 3-days before I say it’s not for me.
3.      Never sleep in your contact lens or re-use it.  As much as I would like to look cool and all when I’m on the plane, I don’t use it.

      For those of you who would like to give FreshKon a try, now is a good time because there is an islandwide promotion going on!

      Or better yet, if you're feeling lucky. Head on to my Instagram to see if you can win yourself 2 boxes (30 each) of FreshKon Daily.


     This was a sponsored post.