FreshKon Daily review
18:44 Hanna Tantoco 0 Comments Category : Contact Lens singapore , Freshkon Daily , Freshkon Singapore , hanna tantoco
I have accepted that I don’t have perfect
eyesight when I was in university – read, the operative word is “accepted” but
I was actually in denial for the longest time. I should have known that was my fate since my
mom wore spectacles for as long as she can remember and my brother too when he
started working. I always sat in front of the class all throughout high school
so I guess when I stepped into university and I had to sit at the back I
realised I couldn’t read anything on the board. So, I went to the optometrist
and had my eyes checked and at that time my power was around 50/75 on my left
and right eye respectively. Needless to say, I only wore my spectacles when I sat
at the back of the class.
After university when I started driving. I
had a hard time seeing at night or when it was raining. I had to squint for a
long time. So there, spectacles have been increasingly part of my life. Fast
forward to the present, I either wear my contact lens or spectacles on a daily
basis because my power is 150 on both sides with astigmatism. If you’re asking
me, why I didn’t wear my contact lens earlier on here are my concerns: